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INTRODUCING: My Proprietary Apps, Resources & Templates For Managing Your Email Traffic Campaigns!

*IMPORTANT: Welcome to over $700,000.00 in proprietary tools. These were developed exclusively for my 27-man team at my affiliate company. You won't find them ANYWHERE in the marketplace. They were built for my team, and now you. You now have an insane advantage over your competition. Simply put, if you utilize each of these resources, no one will be able to compete with you! Enjoy!





*Launch Flexy™:

Some Of The Cool Things You Can Do With Flexy™:

  • NO CODE! Use your mouse to modify your design and create the pages you always wanted.
  • Over 80 beautifully designed website templates ready to choose from so you can hit the ground running.
  • You can modify your global colors, fonts and many other settings of your design, with just a few clicks of the mouse.
  • Scales perfectly on mobile devices. Your page will automatically scale on phones and tablets.

*Launch PixelPress™:

Some Of The Cool Things You Can Do With PixelPress™:

  • Create literally THOUSANDS of banner variations in minutes. Split test new layouts, headlines, images, call to actions, and anything you can think of.
  • Optimize images for your necessary file sizes.
  • Output to a single or multiple zip files based on file size.
  • Choose from a variety of template layouts to get started.

*Launch MetricMover™:

Some Of The Cool Things You Can Do With MetricMover™:

  • Create literally THOUSANDS of split tests in minutes.
  • Test one page element at a time, OR large chunks of HTML.
  • Test headlines, sub-headlines, hero shots, lead paragraphs, new page layouts, call to actions, etc. If it's HTML, it can be tested.
  • Seamlessly upload all split tests into DIYTrax™ and rotate through each variation to find the winners.


*Launch Blaze™:

Some Of The Cool Features Of Blaze™:

  • Scalable ad serving up to 10B monthly ad requests.
  • Intuitive, sleek user interface.
  • Real-time stats.
  • Customizable KPI's.
  • Actionable data at every level of your campaign.

*Launch DIYTrax™:

Some Of The Cool Things You Can Do With DIYTrax™:

  • Create multiple campaign types; Direct Link, Landing Page, Multi-Path, or Multi-Option campaigns.
  • Track, test, and optimize campaigns across multiple traffic sources with "On-the-Fly" control.
  • In-depth data for all campaigns including ads, keywords, pages, and offers along with detailed revenue data to quickly optimize for profits.
  • Add new or edit pages and offers in rotation with no coding. Use a simple interface to quickly adjust rotation on the fly, in real-time.

*Launch NoEscape™:

Some Of The Cool Things You Can Do With NoEscape™:

  • Create an unlimited number of exit pops to rotate through. Optimize for the top converters.
  • Add multiple layers of tabovers/popunders into the mix.
  • Test your creative and pages for free (super sneaky).
  • Self hosted. Never worry about your data being compromised.