Author avatarRichard Lustig 7 hours ago 16,647 views

I'm Richard Lustig, I Won The Lottery 7 Times. And Now I'm Going To Reveal My Secret Formula

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My secret formula is increasing the chance to win the lottery by 71,790%.

Read it again... My ticket is 771 times more likely to win than yours (and anyone else's)

I'm going to expose my secret (and very simple, to be honest) formula, but you need to remember 2 things.

1. When you use this formula, your ticket will be 771 times more likely to win the lottery than anyone else's ticket. But think about it... what will happen when you buy 3 tickets instead of just 1? Or if you buy 20 tickets? That's right...

2. This new video will probably be banned soon by the lottery commission (for obvious reasons, they don't wan't people to learn this formula) so don't miss your chance to learn it.

Learn My Secret Lottery Formula