14 Discounts Seniors Didn’t Know They Could Get

You’ve Earned These Discounts, Take Advantage!

If you’re a senior, you’ve paid your dues. You worked for years, you followed the rules, and now it’s time to collect some hard earned discounts. And trust us, there are plenty of awesome discounts out there for you. But the trick is, you have to know about them, and you have to ask for them. Here are ten industries that offer excellent senior discounts. Make sure you ask them “Do you offer a senior discount?” and save big!

1. Negotiate Your Mortgage & Save Up to $355.44/Month

Seniors can save big on their mortgages thanks to a forgotten government program that was passed by the Obama administration (remember him?) This home refinancing program is still in effect, and can help middle class seniors reduce their current mortgage payments by as much as $3,500 a year.

That’s not small change, and it’s available for savvy seniors right now. Learn More.

2. Cord-Cutting Explodes: Never Pay For Cable Again

This brilliant device allows you to watch new movies and TV without a monthly subscription. We all know how frustrating overpriced cable bills and subscription services can be. You pay for cable, movies, and sports on demand... it adds up. And of course, there is all this hardware. Your receiver, AppleTV or Firesticks, DVD player and often expensive smart TVs. So it doesn't come as a surprise that more and more people are searching for cheaper, simpler solutions to cut cable bills and get rid of all the hardware.

3. Compare Loan Options For Retirees

As you move into your older years, your lifestyle changes and so do your finances. When that happens, you may find that getting a loan isn’t as easy as it was when you were earning money from employment. Not to worry, there are lenders that will consider you for a personal loan. These loans can help you access to money if you don’t have sufficient time to save for it, or if you don’t want to dip into your equity.

4. Seniors With No Tickets In 3 Years May Qualify For a Big Discount

Experience counts when driving! And it counts a lot for car insurance.

Many seniors will get an automatic discount just due to their age, but there are other factors too, like where you live, how much you drive, whether you commute to work… all of these things can mean even bigger savings for seniors.

Want to compare car insurance rates? Check out insurance.comparisons.org.

5. Save On Life Insurance

As we age our life insurance costs can add up and slow us down. The best way to ensure you are getting the best deal is to shop around and compare. Luckily there's a new website called Assurance which has guaranteed approvals up to age 85. Save up to 70% on life insurance with no medical exam needed

6. The Simple Secret For Normal Blood Sugar Levels

Promoting normal blood sugar levels is a real concern for millions of people. Fortunately, there’s a natural supplement that specifically targets this need. Glucocil is the only supplement to address all three essentials in glucose levels: It naturally blocks the intestines from absorbing glucose; it reduces the liver’s production of glucose; and it increases glucose uptake in the body’s cells. Combined, it’s a powerful weapon in the fight against difficult blood sugar.

It took 144 clinical and lab research studies to select the 14 natural ingredients that make up Glucocil, making it one of the most effective blood sugar support supplements available on the market.

7. Consolidate All Your Existing Debt Into One Simple Payment

You are not alone. More seniors are struggling with debt than ever before. Millions of senior citizens are carrying sizeable debts, making it difficult to live on fixed incomes. Reduce your debt by up to 50% and make one low monthly payment. Many seniors have been able to settle with their creditors and save $$$.

8. Massive Discounts on Medical Costs

Medicare Insurance can be Complicated: We're here to Help! Find The Right Plan For You In Your Area. Get No Obligation Quotes and Compare. Medicare Providers helps seniors, and other Medicare eligible individuals, understand medicare products and they provide the best tools to assist in the decision making process.

9. No Pill Can Stop Joint Discomfort But This Method Can Provide Relief

As we age, our joints get… well… creaky. Especially the knees. But you can do something about it, thanks to an innovative, powerful supplement called Instaflex Advanced. This amazing formula utilizes the best ingredients that have been scientifically tested to target joints. Clinical studies have shown that key ingredients in Instaflex Advanced have improved joint stiffness and discomfort by more than 60%. The UC-II® Collagen and BioPerine® reduce knee discomfort and increases absorption of vital nutrients.

10. 50% Off Immediate Relief Socks

Compression technology proven to limit swelling, both for those their feet a lot, and those who avoid being on their feet due to pain. Wear with or without regular socks by simply slipping it on as a normal sock would fit. Designed by a leading Podiatrist who has extensive treatment in foot pain management caused by the lack of support for arch, heel, and ankle core stability.

With 3 levels of compression, Dr. Socks creates permeability and structural compression for hiking, running, sports activities, gym, walking, standing; leaving you feeling fatigue free all day long.

11. Reduce The Risk Of Road Accidents!

Night Vision HD has been designed to reduce night driving glare and eye strain, and it will dramatically improve seeing at night, during snow or rainy conditions Whether driving, reading or golfing, these versatile goggles make seeing a whole new experience. Night Vision HD is voted the #1 solution for safe driving in the evening and night, and it guarantees enhanced clarity instantly!

12. The Natural Way to More Restful Sleep

Yes, it might look a little funny, but MySnoringSolution is a real breakthrough for people who don’t get good sleep (i.e., most of us). You see, snoring is NOT natural. It keeps your sleeping partner awake, and also means you aren’t getting the best sleep you could. This amazing product is a comfortable chinstrap that keeps your soft palate airway clear, allowing for better oxygen flow. For most people, this leads to a deeper, more restful sleep without snoring.

If you snore, or simply feel tired upon waking up, you owe it to yourself to try this amazing product, because a good night’s sleep is priceless. It comes with a 90-day money-back guarantee, so you have nothing to lose.

Not having to work anymore can be great, but when you’re retired you need to figure out what to do with all that time.

Many retirees discover that they actually miss working and now you have the ability to work and earn as much as you want, with no boss telling you where to go or when to work. Being a driver partner allows you to make your own schedule. You can literally wake up and say “I feel like driving this morning, but I want to play golf at 1 pm” and do exactly that.

14. Using "Smart Biotics" for More Energy

You do not have to accept a lack of energy as you age. In fact, once older (and hopefully wiser), you pay more attention to your health. So if you do the right things, and take the right supplements, you can have even MORE energy than your younger, fast-food loving self. If you take just one supplement, make it Physio Flora CP – it’s that good. Comes with a 60-day money back guarantee, so if you’re not dancing in the streets, you risk nothing.

15. FIXD – Save Thousands on Car Repairs!

You ever go in for an oil change, and have the mechanic say something like: "Ok, it seems like your Tyrillium Breaker Interrupt is on the fritz – that'll be $1,000 please."

Or your check engine light came on, and the mechanic says nine different things are wrong. Would you like to know for sure? Then get yourself a FIXD, and rest easy.

FIXD is a small electronic device that plugs into your car’s OBD port (every car made in 1996 or later has one), and communicates with the smartphone app to tell you exactly what is wrong with your car. Save money on repair bills today!

16. Feet Insoles - A Foot Massage All Day Long

They've carried you everywhere from your first day of school through this morning's walk or run. Aging isn't fun, and a lot of us don't like to admit our feet aren't quite what they used to be in the past. Pamper your body and experience reflexology treatment on the go with Mindinsole magnetized acupressure insoles.

Taking inspiration from the ancient practice of zone therapy, Mindinsole will massage your way to better health. The insoles will stimulate precise pressure points on the soles of his feet to relieve strains, reduce pain, and boost your energy levels.

On each insole, there are 400 acupoints to target critical areas of your body. Reduce back pain and release harmful toxins from your body – Mindinsole is just like having a massage therapist wherever you go.

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